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Que pensez-vous de mon activité ?

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Que pensez-vous de mon activité ?  Empty Que pensez-vous de mon activité ?

Message par LFC/Emile Ollivier Lun 16 Jan - 17:03

Bonjour à tous,

Pour demain, j'ai préparé une activité fictive qui doit se passer dans une bibliothèque et qui est centrée autour de l'univers de Mass Effect.

J'explique d'abord vite fait l'univers avant de faire un petit jeu.

Qu'en pensez-vous ?

PS : C'est un devoir d'Anglais :p

Merci de votre aide.

If you are a sci fi hero, what would you have done ?

Now, let's focus on my favorite science fiction universe, Mass Effect.

Mass Effect is a science-fiction universe from a video game, but from which books and a cartoon have been produced.

We are in 2183. Humanity has been traveling in space for barely 30 years but it seeks to gain its place in the galactic community when an old threat wakes up.
Discussions with different Reapers

Spoiler Alert: As revealed at the end of the third and final game of the first trilogy (another being in production), the ultimate goal of the Reapers, the wicked of the universe, Is to prevent the annihilation of all organic life in the Milky Way by Synthetics. In fact, in each “cycle”, Synthetics goes to war against their organics creators.

Nevertheless, their actions going so much against this principle that the fans were shocked by this final revelation (incidentally very badly introduced…). So, while the Quarians were about to destroy the geth machines, the Reapers intervened to ... help the Geth! Placing the Quarians on the brink of destruction.

A part of the battle of Rannoch in Mass Effect 3. Quarians try to take back their homeworld to the Geth, IA's of their invention.

So a rumor spread among fans on the net that the end of the game would not be the end of the official game. Thus was born the “indoctrination theory”

The player, originally, had the choice between 3 ends although the developers said they had created ... 16! Thus was born a vast campaign of trolling on the net.

However, Mass Effect remains an extremely rich universe with a passionate and active community.

An alternate fan ending of Mass Effect 3 called MEHEM

A part of Alien species of Mass Effect universe

The universe of Mass Effect carries positive values and, except at its extreme end, makes the player understand that his choices have a real impact on the galaxy. In the last installment of the first trilogy, the player must unite a galaxy divided by centuries of different. It is only unite in diversity that Shepard, the hero, can triumph over the Reapers.
The final assault on occupied Earth.

In addition, Bioware is very open-minded. Thus, inter-species and homosexual relations are possible in the game.

Creating such a complete universe of science fiction is difficult, but it is the exercise that I am going to ask you now. You must write your own Mass Effect Story.

First choice

Context: Tali, friend of Commander Shepard, the hero, received an urgent appeal from the Migrant Fleet, where his people lives since it was exiled from his planet by the Geth.

On the spot, she discovers that Admiral Koris accuses her of treason for bringing active pieces of Geth into the fleet. The reactivated Geths stormed Alarei, Tali's father's ship. To prove his innocence, Shepard and Tali propose to help the Quarians to recover the ship.

After this, Shepard and Tali discovers that the admirals' accusations were based.

If you were Shepard, what would you have done?

You try to rally the quarian people at your side in order to save Tali ?

You behave like a badass by taking Quarian Admirals for what they are, idiots ?

You try to save Tali in asking them to listen to their conscience?

You betray Tali in revealing the guilt of her father. (Evil choice)

Second choice

Context : The krogan people started a war against the rest of the galaxy several millennia ago. The Krogans are powerful warriors and the Council was able to stop them only by using the genophage, a biological weapon that virtually sterilized the krogan people. Today, facing the threat of the Reapers, the Council needs the krogan soldiers, but their leader, Wrex, wants to stop the genophage before helping the Council.

First choice, you really cure the genophage ?

You betray Krogans and sabotage the cure ?

Third choice

Context : Tali is dead in the Second opus. Few times before the Reaper invasion, Quarians people launched an offensive against Geth. Geth occupy the Quarian Homeworld since 290 years, after they have risen against Quarian people, their Creators.

Geth, in order to survive, make an alliance with the Reapers. But Reapers betray Geth and enslave the Geths through computer piracy transmitted by a signal.

Quarian admiralty seeks help from Shepard commander.

At the end of the battle, Shepard cutting down the signal. But Legion, a Geth who help Shepard, asked Shepard to let him upload the Reapers code (who which made the geth also smarter) to his people.

You let Legion uploaded the code to his people in order to have their fleet in order take Earth back ?

You think it's too dangerous and refuse this upload ?

Dernière édition par Emile Ollivier le Lun 16 Jan - 20:37, édité 3 fois
LFC/Emile Ollivier
LFC/Emile Ollivier

Messages : 2721
Date d'inscription : 26/03/2016
Age : 35

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Que pensez-vous de mon activité ?  Empty Re: Que pensez-vous de mon activité ?

Message par LFC/Emile Ollivier Lun 16 Jan - 17:05

Pensez-vous que c'est suffisant ? J'ai pensé aussi à mettre de la mission suicide mais je pense que ça serait trop compliqué Sad

Pour le Troisième choix, est-ce que je peux ajouter les réactions de l'équipage selon notre décision ?
LFC/Emile Ollivier
LFC/Emile Ollivier

Messages : 2721
Date d'inscription : 26/03/2016
Age : 35

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Message par Anaxagore Lun 16 Jan - 22:13

Je n'ai jamais joué à ce jeu... je me vois mal donner un avis.

Le champ de bataille ne fait que révéler à l'homme sa folie et son désespoir, et la victoire n'est jamais que l'illusion des philosophes et des sots. William Faulkner

Messages : 2236
Date d'inscription : 18/10/2015
Age : 50

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Message par Jolou Lun 16 Jan - 22:41

En gros, tu le propose a qui?
Tu peux peut etre rajouter la reine rachni dans le 1 comme choix. (Surtout qu'au final, on découvre que els rachnis était endoctriné par les moissonneurs)

Messages : 636
Date d'inscription : 17/10/2015
Age : 27
Localisation : Proche de Montpellier

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Message par Maraud Mar 17 Jan - 0:47

Je surenchère sur Jolou, surtout qu'on a pas vraiment le contexte^^
Par contre je découvre des hologrammes geth et des fins que je connaissais même pas.
PS: Vive le rayon vert.


Messages : 561
Date d'inscription : 01/11/2015

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Que pensez-vous de mon activité ?  Empty Re: Que pensez-vous de mon activité ?

Message par LFC/Emile Ollivier Mar 17 Jan - 7:51

Je le propose à des gens qui n'ont jamais joué à Mass Effect. J'ai voulu faire une activité interactive et qui prend moins de temps que de leur proposer d'écrire eux-même une fan fic.

Ok, je gonfle le contexte et ajoute de scènes comme la Reine Rachni.

Merci de m'avoir aidé les gars !

PS : Il est clair que quand on voit la profondeur des possibilités offertes in-game, on comprend encore moins la "simplicité" des 3 choix finaux (devenus 4).

J'ai préféré offrir les choix non pragma et conci sur Rannoch notamment pck je voulais offrir de l'émotion, leur montrer qu'on ne peut pas forcément résoudre tout avec des mots dans ce jeu et que nos choix ont des conséquences gravissimes dans certaines contextes.
LFC/Emile Ollivier
LFC/Emile Ollivier

Messages : 2721
Date d'inscription : 26/03/2016
Age : 35

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